Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A somewhat nervous mommy to be!

Hey Everyone,
My sister was recently here with her boys. It was a blast! Gavin still talks about them like they are magically going to be here when he wakes up. He love all his cousin and talks about them all the time. It's a could thing he is having a brother soon. He needs the company.

Graham and Gavin in there new matching

Silly Brody Payton and Graham
at the Pioneer Day Parade,
See why Gavin loves these guys.

He also loves all his Aunt and Uncles who love to spoil him. Especially "Auntie" Tamzen. She is one of the best mom's ever. And since I basically grew up watching her my whole life I hope some of that rubbed off on me.

Which brings me to the topic at hand. I am becoming more and more nervous to be a mommy of two. I would like to think that most of the time I have it together. Gavin has turned out to be more amazing than I could have dreamed up myself. But I feel like he came that way. But there are the times that I have a guilt full moment, day or week. Like I should have had more patients, or energy, or done more things with Gavin durning the day. What do any of you mom out there do to keep life happy and movin'? Somedays I am just out of ideas. Then I get nervous thinking of how would I handle two children at the store that are crying. Double of all the frantic moments. Of course there will be double of all the happy moments too. But all I can think of and worry about is the hard stuff right now. SO anyone have advice? Any books that I should read while I am anticipating the arrival of the new little guy? Ok and one more thing is I really want Gavin to stay as happy and loved as he is how do I make sure he doen't get jealous or feel like he is being put second.

Oh yeah and Jason just finished his first year of school! One more year to go, and it's over in June! Plus Jason has a month break right now. Finally I get my husband back for a little while.


Marissa said...

SOOOOO normal. Not to scare you, but #2 was/is my hardest. But he "came that way" and I love him more than anything. Love multiplies and not divides. There are days where I don't teach enough, watch too much tv, let them have chicken nuggets for every meal, etc. But they are happy and loved and know it. You take it one day at a time. You tell yourself that you are a good mom every morning and hopefully you still feel that way every night when you go to bed.

Tatum, you are a FANTASTIC mom.

Tamzen Fleming said...

Tatum, you don't need any advice! You are one of the best mom's I know! Every good moom feels some guilt or worry about how they're doing. Try not to worry too much though, cause you are awesome! Love ya!