Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A Horrible No Good Very Bad Day

I was reading this to Gavin as he went to bed and thought that I wish Icould have been in Reno with my Hubby today. But I guess they have bad days in Reno to, or so he tells me.

So, it all started with a massive rainstorm just as I was settling into bed a 12:15. It was kinda cool to watch but a little scary and creepy when you are all alone your house and you are already a little on edge. Then I woke up to Gavin crying at 5:45 am. "What in the world" he went to bed after 10 so why would he do that to me? Why? So I try to be a good mom and not just bring him into my bed. I rubbed his back tring to get him to back to sleep until my arm almost broke off. Then I caved. I brought him in my bed. But he was not about to go back to sleep. So I finally got his Milk and a banana he was begging for. And tried to wake up the best I could and feed it to him. After two bites of banana he was done. So I tried to make him eat another. Bad idea he gagged and them smeared banana all over my bed. To say the least I was so mad. But he had a time out and said, "sorry, sorry sorry!" Why does he have to be so sweet?

After that we got up and started the day we were ready by 9 am for the day. Bathed (minus Gavin pooping in the bathub the morning was actually not horrible), beds made everything. That was such a strang feeling. I am just not a morning person. So we played outside and Gavin feel asleep in the swing at the park at 10:30. Actually the day was ok and we managed to have some fun and I just love Gavin so much. I am so exhausted though. I guess this is just preparing me to be exhausted (when the baby is here) and still carry on and make the best of a crappy day.

Jason was supposed to be home at 7 and he missed his flight so he is driving home now. (I miss my husband, he is gone a lot and well I kinda like him, so I wish he didn't have to travel and go to school) And my sister Tamzen and her boys are on there way right now. So at least tomorrow will be a better day.



stephanielynn said...

I'm sorry you had a bad day! I wish I was there to hang out with you!

Janet Schlosser said...

Hang in there! Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again tomorrow...things always look better in the morning:)

Linda said...

Sorry about the poopy day! I hate being home alone too! So give me a call whenever you need someone to talk to, that always helps me.