Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Sunday

I love Easter! I always have and always will. Especially with one like today. We had a wonderful meeting today. It was stake conference and Gavin was so quiet and well behaved during the whole two hours. And Owen slept in his Daddy's arms the entire time. After church was over I said, "Gavin I am so impressed!" He replied so matter of factly, "I'm pressed too Mommy." After, we went over to Jason's parents house and enjoyed a oh so delish meal. The weather was so nice, spring is definitely here. We tried to take some family pictures while we were in our Easter clothes and Gavin is really into making the same scrunched face. We had fun and just enjoyed being there and just relaxing. Oh yeah right before we left Gavin was so funny Gavin went over to Jenise's twin sister Denise. He pulled her hair back. I wasn't sure what he was up to. I thought he was trying to get he earrings or something. Then he said, "Hey you look like Grandma!" It was so cute that he had figured that out and could vocalize it. On the way to the Keith's. Owen likes to take Gavin's cups and chew on em'. Gavin likes to be safe in the car since he found my old moped helmet. Two cuties in their Easter vests. Neighborhood Easter egg hunt at the clubhouse. Gavin took off and you can barely see him. Gavin got his Easter basket a day early cause I forgot to put it up after preparing it...Oh well he's young he didn't mind. He also got the old school Gone Fishin' Game and he loves it. I have to admit it is pretty fun to play and try to fish out those suckers.


Nikki said...

Oh Gavin, he is such a sweetheart. I love reading your posts because you make me feel like I can try to be a fun mom too. You are such a good mom Tatum, seriously, the love you have for your kids and the fun you are...I just admire it. It was so good seeing you guys this weekend!

Annie said...

your family picture is cute!!! i totally love it

Tamzen Fleming said...

I like the new family picture! You look so pretty and all the boys look so cute, yes, even Jason. ;) I have that same shirt that you are wearing in black! We always think alike!

The Gearharts said...

Too cute! I CAN NOT wait to see everyone for Tenille's wedding. I miss you all so much and I can not wait to meet Owen!

sara,mike,rhett,and gage said...

owen so looks like a Nelson!

Christy Smith said...

Your new family photo is so great! The boys are so adorable and getting so big. Both of their facial expressions are priceless! I'm glad you guys are doing so would be fun to get together sometime! Take care!

Marci said...

Does Gavin wear the helmet when both mom and dad drive? or just mom?

Cari said...

You are such a cute mom! The boys are very lucky to have you. (And I mean all three of them!)