Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Don't Let the Bed Bugs Bite

My two little guys have decided to be bed buddies. I went all out a few months ago thinking that I should get them bunk beds, with the arrival of the new little one coming in September. Gavin has loved his bed, which he picked out green stripped bedding for. He has kinda grown up and has been going to bed so much easier for us. Then about a month ago, Owen wanted to try out his bunk on the bottom. I was a little worried about him making the transition so early since he still really has a few months of enjoying his crib, his own space. But once he slept in his bed in Gavin's room there was no going back. He didn't want his crib anymore. In the beggining he didn't want the new bed either. He was way out of sorts. But after a few weeks of working on a routine that worked for both of them them they are so happy to climb into bed and laugh and tickle and yes sometimes bite each other and go to sleep. It's so sweet that they love to be there for each other. I love to check on them before I go to bed and see them both sleeping in the same bed. Gavin has always been a cuddle bug and prefers to sleep next to someone. While Owen has always been a good sleeper and wants to be just like his big brother. So it works, and now I don't have to stress about where to put the baby after he is out of the bassinett, or how to make it all work. Ahh...I love when little life details seem to work themselves out in such a delightful way. What a blessing and huge stress relief.

1 comment:

Cari said...

super cute. I wish my boys looked that angelic. ha! fat chance! :)