Today was one of those day that you think, "why can't everyday be this blissful?" Other than the fact that my hubby is out of town for the night, today is one worth remembering. Nothing big, just a good day.
So for about a week I have heard that today was going to bring a big change in weather. Were talking temps from up in the 90's, all the way down to 50's today. I love fall, but I haven't felt very fallish yet. I have some decoration out but it felt odd to even have them out, until today! So I got the boys all dressed in there halloween shirts, put on my own fall sweater, and socks. I love cozy warm socks. We took Jason to the airport around lunchtime. Gavin is learning to recognize place we go now and was asking Jason if he could get on the airplane with him. It was so sweet. Then Jason left it was sad, but then... As he was walking into the airport, he bumped into a pole and the two big boxes he had to take with him fell. Crazy man trying to take so much in with him. He looked slightly embarresed as he turned to see us watching it all. I have never loved my cute husband more than at that moment. We are quite the match, that is exactly what would have happened to me in that situation.
So we came home had some lunch, sang, danced and played. Gavin has really likes staying home more and when I ask what he wants to do today he replies, play games, watch a show. He is really into making up games these day and giving them awesome names. I wish I could remeber the one he made up yesterday for dumping a set of letters in one containier to the next.
Both the boys took long naps due to getting over thier colds. It was great. Then we had soup, a mock Olive Garden Zuppa Toscana. Yum, so so so good. We went on a walk just so we could get all bundled up and enjoy the brisk air. It was so refreshing! Then we danced to my ipod, jumped on my bed, tickled Owen and read books.
Here is a picute of Owen right before he realized that he could stand and took two steps. He is almost there, I give him two more weeks till he is full on walking. He already climbs all the way to the top of our stairs. I have to watch him like a hawk!

The boxes of letters have resurfaced, I try to put some of them away on the sly but he wanted them all out again the other day. As I was cleaning them up tonight, I noticed a few things. Jason said he thinks he makes secret stashes in every room in the house.

This symbolized Gavin and Owen he likes that with his brother he can spell the owrd GO.

This is his "little" letter family Jason, Gavin, Owen and Tatum.
What a funny kid.